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World's Oldest Brain?

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World's Oldest Brain? Empty World's Oldest Brain?

Message  Admin Lun 21 Juil 2014 - 11:51

World's Oldest Brain?

Friday, July 18, 2014

World's Oldest Brain? Norway-oldest-brain
(Copyright G. Reitan/Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo)

STOKKE, NORWAY—Excavators on the site of a planned large conference center southwest of Oslo have uncovered the skull of a child aged between infancy and ten that they believe may be as much as 8,000 years old and may contain the oldest remains of a human brain, the Daily Mail Online reports. It is extremely rare to find organic material, such as human tissue, preserved for so many millennia. Archaeologists have thus far only removed the skull and surrounding soil, and examined only the parts of the skull that are exposed, so as not to damage it. The site appears to be a burial, as the bones of an adult, probably a man, were also found at the site, and will provide new information about the Mesolithic period in Norway, about which relatively little is known.

Messages : 8361
Date d'inscription : 18/12/2009
Age : 56
Localisation : Cirey-sur-Vezouze (54)

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