La préhistoire en Lorraine
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La préhistoire en Lorraine
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La préhistoire en Lorraine
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Broadening and diversification of hunted resources, from the Late Palaeolithic to the Late Mesolithic, in the North and East of France and the bordering areas

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Broadening and diversification of hunted resources, from the Late Palaeolithic to the Late Mesolithic, in the North and East of France and the bordering areas Empty Broadening and diversification of hunted resources, from the Late Palaeolithic to the Late Mesolithic, in the North and East of France and the bordering areas

Message  Sapiens88 Dim 28 Mar 2021 - 12:26

Anne Bridault, "Broadening and diversification of hunted resources, from the Late Palaeolithic to the Late Mesolithic, in the North and East of France and the bordering areas", Anthropozoologica, 1997, n° 25-26, p. 295-308 :

Messages : 781
Date d'inscription : 13/02/2010
Age : 48
Localisation : Archettes (Vosges)

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