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Un village de 200 000 ans découvert en Afrique du Sud

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Un village de 200 000 ans découvert en Afrique du Sud Empty Un village de 200 000 ans découvert en Afrique du Sud

Message  Admin Lun 16 Nov 2015 - 20:56

200 000 year old city found in Southern Africa may rewrite history

The complex ruins of a walled city, thought to be built by an advanced ancient civilization have been discovered in Southern Africa. This discovery may rewrite history- as soon as history is ready to be rewritten...
By Laura Bradfield -
November 10, 2015

Un village de 200 000 ans découvert en Afrique du Sud Ancient-city-696x451
The great pyramid of Giza is thought to be one of the oldest structures in the world- it’s only 5000 years old. The most ancient structure on earth is reportedly the megalithic temples in Malta, carbon dated to 3500BCE. Right up until now these were known as the first advanced civilizations. Michael Tellinger and Johan Heine have discovered a sight in Mozambique’s Maputo that dates back 200,000 years.
The site is thought to be part of an ancient city that spans 10,000km’s. It has roads joining complex circular structures with agricultural areas which indicate that it belonged to a highly advanced civilization.
Un village de 200 000 ans découvert en Afrique du Sud 200000-Year-Old-CityThe sights and artifacts found in Mesopotamia and Egypt only date back 6000 years at the most. While the walls of the ancient Southern African city are made of Dolerite. By calculating the rate of Dolerite erosion, the structure itself has been dated to 200,000 odd years old. Although this date remains controversial.
Un village de 200 000 ans découvert en Afrique du Sud 200000-Year-Old-City-in-south-africa1The huge stone concentricly circled walls are best seen from the air. They are estimated to be 1500 square kilometers, although each wall is only 3,5meters high in places. The walls would have been far taller before the 200,000 years of weather erosion. The geology of the site is also interesting; situated beside numerous gold mines, it has been suggested they were the first gold miners.
Tellinger has written about his finds extensively in his book: Temples of the African Gods
An Anka has been discovered on one of the walls to the ancient Southern African city. Are you wondering how on earth there could be a symbol of an Egyptian god thousands of years before the Egyptian civilization emerged?

Historians believed Egyptians were the first to worship the gods etched all over Egyptian temple walls. But it is more likely that the Egyptians inherited their beliefs from this Southern African culture.
Will we have to rewrite history? Does no one want to do it?
“The photographs, artifacts and evidence we accumulated, point towards a lost civilization that has never before been and precedes all others- not for a few hundred years, or a few thousand years … but many thousands of years,” Tellinger said.
Michelle Tellinger has reportedly received many phone calls from archeologists and scientists commending him on his work. Rather painfully he still hasn’t received formal acclaim or support for this discovery. Potentially it’s the collective hubris of theorists, wanting their theories of historical civilizations to remain valid.
Despite the Sumerian tablets of the kings list, which detail a list of kings spanning over a 224,000 time period; 10 of which are kings documented to have existed before the biblical flood. “Archeologists don’t want to deal with, or acknowledge these time periods,” said Tellinger.
The ancient cities in Maputo not only validate but match the time periods documented by the Sumerians.
Unfortunately, theorists and historians still have no desire to let go of their previous postulations. For the record: The first advanced civilization existed in Southern Africa.
Africa is the cradle of mankind! 

References: youtube Micheal Tellinger interviews
Image Source: Micheal Tellinger

Messages : 8361
Date d'inscription : 18/12/2009
Age : 56
Localisation : Cirey-sur-Vezouze (54)

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Un village de 200 000 ans découvert en Afrique du Sud Empty village d'Afrique

Message  capicorbuli Mar 17 Nov 2015 - 20:16

je ne pense pas qu'il s'agisse d'un village de 200.000 ans, j'ai fait une petite recherche sur le net et cette info figure déjà dans les mêmes termes en 2012. Il semble qu'il s'agisse d'une "information" destinée à accréditer le discours sur les civilisations beaucoup plus anciennes qu'on ne le croit et que l'on nous cache. Largement reprise sur des sites qui font du "paranormal" leur fond de commerce...


Messages : 105
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2012
Age : 65
Localisation : AREGNU - CORSICA

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Un village de 200 000 ans découvert en Afrique du Sud Empty Re: Un village de 200 000 ans découvert en Afrique du Sud

Message  Admin Mar 17 Nov 2015 - 21:05

Merci pour l'info, Capicorbuli, je n'avais moi-même pas eu le temps de me renseigner sur le sujet ! Laughing 
J'avais l'impression d'y voir un village Dogon, donc là en l'occurrence..... En tout cas merci d'avoir remis le sujet en place Laughing

Messages : 8361
Date d'inscription : 18/12/2009
Age : 56
Localisation : Cirey-sur-Vezouze (54)

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Un village de 200 000 ans découvert en Afrique du Sud Empty Re: Un village de 200 000 ans découvert en Afrique du Sud

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